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Creating a Project

What is an Arttribute Project?

An Arttribute Project is a represemtation of a user account that allows the user to access other additional features, such as:

  • Creating and Managing API Keys: With a project, you will be able to create API Keys that are long-lived as opposed to Access Tokens. API Keys allow you to do anything possible by Access Tokens and even more.
  • Scoping Art and Collections: Projects are a great way to publicly organize art. They allow you to group both collections and individual art pieces based on any criteria that you choose.

Key features of an Arttribute Project include:

nameA name for the project.
urlThe URL of the project website or repository.

How to create an Arttribute Project

Step 1: Generating an Access Token

This is a short-lived token that is used to authenticate and authorize actions carried out on the Arttribute platform.

You can follow a step by step process on how to generate an Access Token in the Generating a User Access Tokens page. If you already have a valid Access Token or have just created one, you are ready for Step 2.

Step 2: Make and API Request

Once you have your Access Token, you can the make a request to create a Project on the Arttribute platform. The request should be in the JSON format and it should include the name property and the other properties in the table above.

We've provided code snippets below that demonstrate how to structure your API request.

Making a Node JS request with axios
const axios = require("axios");
let data = {
name: "Pixel Morans",
url: "",

method: "post",
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: "",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIU...",
data: JSON.stringify(data),
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {

Step 3: Done

Once you have sent out the request and received a successfull response, your Arttribute Project has been created. You can now use it organize your collections and pieces of art.