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Payments in Arttribute?

A Payment in Attribute represents a monetary transaction. Whether it's for acquiring rights to use an item or collection or gifting the owner of an item, payments serve as the backbone of all financial interactions on the platform. It facilitates the financial bridge between artists, AI practitioners, and other users.

Key features of an Arttribute Payment include:

idUnique Identifier of a payment.
referenceObject containing the type and id of the associated item or service.
transactionHashHash of the transaction for verification.
senderUser who initiated the payment.
receiverUser who receives the payment.
amountAmount of the payment.
currencyCurrency in which payment was made.
typeType of payment (e.g., purchase, donation).
sourceThe platform or medium from where the payment was made.
projectInformation about the project associated with the payment.
networkNetwork on which the payment was processed (e.g., Ethereum).
createdWhen the payment was made (ISO 8601 timestamp).

Supported currencies

Arttribute currently supports two primary currencies for pricing and transactions: cUSD (Celo Dollars) and ETH (Ethereum). These can be passed into the currency field as either 'cUSD' or 'ETH' respectively

Creating an Arttribute Payment

Step 1: Obtain your API Key

To interact with the payment functionalities of the Arttribute platform, you'll first need an API key. This key authenticates your requests and allows access to the Arttribute's payment features. To get an API key, follow the steps in the Generating Keys section.

Step 2: Make a Payment

With your API key, you can initiate a payment on the Arttribute platform. Ensure you have the recipient's details, the amount, and other necessary payment attributes.

Making a Node JS request with axios
const axios = require("axios");
let data = {

method: "post",
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: "", //TODO: Change this to API base url variable
headers: {
"x-api-key": "YourAPIKey",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer YourAccessToken",
data: JSON.stringify(data),
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {

Step 3: Verify Payment

After making a payment, always verify its status to ensure it was processed successfully. Use the transactionHash or the payment id to fetch details and verify.

Further Operations

Retrieving Payments on Arttribute

  1. Retrieve Sent Payments: Allows a user to see all the payments they've made within Arttribute.
  2. Retrieve Received Payments: Enables a user to view all payments they've received on the platform.

To utilize these features, you'll require:

  • Authorization: As with making payments, retrieving payment data requires a Bearer Token for authentication.